June 2024

God’s Spirit at Work

This Sunday, we’ll be blessed to have Greg Moody return to State Road’s pulpit. If you’ve only recently begun attending State Road then you may not have met Greg yet, but for longtime attenders he is obviously a very familiar figure. Greg served on staff at State Road from 1993 until 2017, first as associate […]

May 2024

A Fool and His Folly

The Bible often confronts us with paradoxical truths that require us to hold two seemingly contradictory ideas in tension. The trinity is a famous example of this. The statement that there is one God who exists eternally in three persons is inherently paradoxical. We might ask, “Is God one or is He three?” The answer, […]

Mother’s Day

One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4 C.S. Lewis once wrote this about God, “For He seems to do nothing of Himself which He can possibly delegate to His creatures. He commands us to do slowly and blunderingly what He could do perfectly and in the […]

April 2024

Our Relationship with God

Jere Vincent of Family Builders Ministry will be bringing a message on Deuteronomy 6:4-9. He writes, “What has your heart? Is it your family, friends, your hobbies, or your career? Maybe it’s a passion for travel, music, entertainment, or food. It’s easy to find ourselves living with half-hearted devotion to God. Jesus is inviting us […]

March 2024

Abounding in Every Good Work

Ever since last fall, I have tried something different in my personal devotions. Rather than reading my way through books of the Bible I selected ten blocks of scripture and set out to memorize them over the course of the winter. I printed them out and stuck them in my car, the pockets of my […]

January 2024

How Deep Is Your Love

George McLaughlin serves this morning as our guest speaker. George, of course, is well-known to many as he served for years as pastor of our sister church in Dunntown. He currently serves as chaplain and bereavement coordinator for Northern Light Home Care and Hospice. In this message he teaches from Mark 12:28-34.

December 2023

In Ordinary Times

Last January I was with a team from State Road in Palenque, Mexico joining a team from Tijuana to run Brigadas in some remote villages with missionaries Craig and Kristi Libby from Mexican Medical. We had an unexpected stay at a hotel the first night we were in country and that first morning we all […]

August 2023

Living On Purpose

The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime according to Andrew Naber, (industrial-organizational psychologist and data scientist). That is roughly 10.3 years. Greg Moody shared with us a couple weeks ago that the jobs we work and businesses of our employ, have a mission statement that directs the efforts of its […]

Carrying The Family Name

From a historic perspective it’s fascinating to think of ourselves as the people of time who are between Christ’s first coming and his second. When we read through the Bible from a top down perspective we see that God has been at work through the ages and eras of time. From the great flood, to […]

July 2023

Our Christian Walk

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians has always been a popular one for believers. It offered to the early Christians necessary guidance on Christian thought and devotion. We continue to need truth about the role of grace and unity, devotion and daily living in a culture that would try to disable our commitment to Kingdom principles. […]