preach-itSermon Archive

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July 2018

Forgive As Christ Forgave You

Elisabeth Elliot was made a widow and single mother on January 8, 1956 when her husband, Jim Elliot, and four of his missionary friends were speared to death by the Huaorani people of Ecuador while trying to reach them with the Gospel.  It would have been easy for Elisabeth to wash her hands of Ecaudor, pack her things and return to the safety of the United States. Her husband had been unfairly and violently stolen from her and their infant daughter, who was only 10 months old at the time,

Pray Like Jesus – Part 2

As part of our sermon series on becoming sincere, from-the-heart imitators of Jesus we have been studying a portion of scripture (Matthew 6:5-15) from the Sermon the Mount where Jesus gave a significant amount of instruction on prayer. In verses 5-8 Jesus gives us some general guidelines for prayer and then in verse 9 Jesus says “Pray then like this…” before giving the Disciples an example of how to pray, which is commonly referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer,” or sometimes, “The

June 2018

Pray Like Jesus – Part 1

***The audio file for this sermon was corrupted.***

In Colossians 4:2 it says, “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.”

The word used here in the phrase “devote yourselves,” is the Greek word, “Proskarterountes.” Other Bible translations render it as “Be constant in prayer,” “Continue steadfastly in prayer,” or “Be faithful in prayer,” and those are all good translations, but I think I prefer the phrase “devote yo

I Have Given You An Example

Come with me into the upper room. As we enter we smell and see a dinner laid out on a low table. Around the table are some men, and there is Jesus. I don’t know how we would recognize Him, but I suspect that the Holy Spirit that lives within us would leap in recognition of Him if we were to encounter Him face to face. Yes, it’s Jesus alright. Suddenly, Jesus rises, takes off his outer garments, wraps a towel around His waist, and pours water into a basin. Then he does a surprising thing

A Christian Welcome

Here in the United States we often greet one another by shaking hands, but shaking hands is not the norm everywhere around the globe. For example, in parts of Asia it is customary to bow. The French often greet each other with air kisses. In Malaysia you place your hand over your heart. It’s a bit odd, but In Tibet they stick out their tongues. In Mozambique and Zimbabwe they clap. The Maori of New Zealand rub foreheads and noses together when they greet.

I read recently that the reason why

May 2018

The Supernatural Oneness of the Church

No sooner did Adam bite into the forbidden fruit than sin, death, and conflict was born into the world, and today it stains everything. The eating of that fruit was a violent act. It shattered the mirror of creation which had reflected and imaged forth the peace and perfection of God and all creation fell into millions and millions of jagged, sharp little pieces. In one horrible moment of rebellious disobedience peace gave way to wrath, and unity gave way to alienation. As creatures, who had bee

A Family Resemblance

Last week we wrapped up our two week study through Philippians 2:3-11, focusing on the humility of Jesus, which is an attribute that verse 5 explicitly commands that we also share as sincere, from-the-heart imitators of Jesus’ example. This week we move on to another challenging scripture John 13:34-35, which says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if

A Humble King, A Humble People

Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount by comparing a wise man who builds his house on the rock with a foolish man who builds his house on the sand. The wise man is described as one who hears Jesus’ words and does them (

Humility Part 1

In our Bibles we find a number of what I call “Christ-imitator” verses. These are those verses that point us toward some aspect of how Christ related to us and then exhorts us to follow His example in how we relate to others in the church and the world. (Some examples are 

October 2017

End of An Era

1 Samuel 8
As of December 15, 2017, AOL Instant Messenger products and services will be shut down and will no longer work. They are shutting down AIM, it is quietly disappearing into the night, a mere shadow of what it once was. The end of an era has come. We are in the final chapter of Samuel’s life and you and I both will see what he does with his transition over the next few chapters. The stage is set and change is coming for Samuel, for all of Israel as they approach th
