Sermon Archive
August 2019
Mexican Medical Ministries Update
Craig and Kristi Libby, from Mexican Medical Ministries, serve primarily in the Baja of Mexico. In this message Craig brings a thought for us from Matthew 14 regarding obedience and trust then Kristi provides an update on the work in Mexico.
A Man Named Fool
Sarah and I love befriending other couples, and one of the first questions I like to ask as I am getting to know another couple is, “How did you two first meet?” I have asked that question hundreds of times over the years, and the responses have run the gamut from the fairly pedestrian like “we grew up together,” to the truly bizarre like one man I know who was an amateur taxidermist. He met his wife while scraping roadkill off the side of the road in front of her house so he could practice…
The Temptation of David
After the events of chapter 23, that we studied last week, King Saul, along with three-thousand of his best men, pursued David into the oasis of En-Gedi. They were hot on the trail of Israel’s most wanted fugitive when a very human thing happened. Saul had to go to the bathroom so the armed troupe came to a halt outside of a cave that local shepherds used as a fold for their flocks at night. As the men milled about, and their animals fell to grazing, King Saul ducked into the cave to “r…
July 2019
But David’s Men Said
Although not yet recognized as King within Israel, and although he is innocent of a grasping desire to usurp Saul’s throne, in chapter 23 of 1st Samuel we will see that David’s shepherd heart toward Israel forces him to begin acting the part of a King by protecting the people of an Israelite town called Keilah from an invading force of Philistines. During our study of chapter 22 last week we saw that when Gad confronted David about lingering in Moab he immediately obeyed and returned to Judah, but, as we will see in this week’s study, returning was merely the floor, not the ceiling, of what he was called to do.
I hope you can listen in as we study 1 Samuel 23:1-14.
Depart and Go
In the Bible, Adullam is first mentioned among the cities conquered by Joshua during his conquest of the promised land. It is a site known to modern archaeologists as well. Even today the ruins of ancient fortifications can be found there atop a mounded hill and the nearby cliff faces are dotted with caves whose ceilings are charred black from all the campfires down through the millennia. In David’s time the site was likely abandoned and uninhabited, which made it an ideal hideout, and in 1…
June 2019
You Are Here For Something
1 Peter 4:7-11
A message about understanding the need to user our God-given gifts for the sake of the Church and community.
Fear and Lies
Do the ends justify the means?
In his book, “Pioneer Priests of North America,” historian Francis Parkman tells the tale of a group of missionaries in the late 1600’s who were having a very difficult time trying to win converts from among the Huron people of Canada. The indigenous people were not interested in anything the Jesuits had to say, but they were enthralled by a cuckoo clock that the missionaries had brought with them from France. Every hour on the hour the bird would emerg…
Jonathan: Traitor or Loyalist?
Several Sundays ago we studied the first five verses of 1 Samuel 18 in which we witnessed the birth of that famous friendship between David and Jonathan. This friendship had its beginnings in those happy days following the killing of Goliath. Everybody was lining up to pat David on the back then! However, often times it takes a trial to reveal who one’s true friends are. As it says in Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” This Sunday as we…
The Already But Not Yet King
The book of 1st Samuel is dominated by three human personalities, Samuel, Saul and David, but oddly, the 19th chapter is the only place in the entire book where all three men are found together in the same place at the same time. The 19th chapter of 1st Samuel is not only an exciting portion of David’s story but it serves to illustrate many truths that will challenge and encourage us in our own efforts to live as followers of God. I hope you can listen in as we worship God through the study of 1 Samuel 19.