Pray Like Jesus – Part 2

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As part of our sermon series on becoming sincere, from-the-heart imitators of Jesus we have been studying a portion of scripture (Matthew 6:5-15) from the Sermon the Mount where Jesus gave a significant amount of instruction on prayer. In verses 5-8 Jesus gives us some general guidelines for prayer and then in verse 9 Jesus says “Pray then like this…” before giving the Disciples an example of how to pray, which is commonly referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer,” or sometimes, “The Disciple’s Prayer.” Our goal in all of this is to learn to pray as Jesus prayed, and what we saw last week was that the heart behind our prayers is more important than getting the words just right. This coming Sunday we will be following up on last Sunday’s study by praying our way through the Lord’s Prayer. We will be studying its parts, pausing as we go to pray and sing. Thanks for joining us for this special morning of worship.