Master of the Feast

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Sermon Notes

***There was an issue with the audio recording of this message. Please refer to the sermon notes for a transcript.***
John concludes his Gospel account with language that almost teases and torments the modern Bible reader by mentioning the existence of many stories about Jesus that went undocumented by himself and the other Gospel writers.

In the final verse John wrote these tantalizing words,

“Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” (John 21:25)

Jesus performed many noteworthy miracles during the span of His earthly ministry, by John’s own accounting more than could be documented. Given that fact, it is somewhat surprising then that John chose to highlight only eight of them in his Gospel. That is less than Matthew, Mark or Luke.

Although John’s Gospel contains fewer descriptions of miraculous signs than the other Gospels they are given a more prominent place in John’s account as a way of explaining who Jesus is and why He came. Out of all the miracles that John had witnessed personally, he chose these eight as representative of the whole body of Jesus’ work. More than anything, John wanted us to see Jesus clearly for who He was and to understand His significance. John chose these signs with great care to illustrate what we most needed to see and understand about Jesus.

Come join us this Sunday as we dive into the very first miraculous sign of the book of John, when Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana. See you then!