If You Love Me, You Will Keep My Commands

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Generally speaking, Christians are more comfortable with commands to act than commands to feel. It’s one thing for God to command us to witness to the lost, but another to command that we also be heartbroken over their state of separation. It’s one thing to command that we serve our enemies, but another to command that we also love them. It’s one thing to command our obedience, but another to command our cheerful, joy-filled obedience. The problem is that when we come to the Bible, God often commands His people not just to do, but to feel. How do we begin to obey that sort of command? Especially when we take inventory of our hearts and we see that we are filled with longings and passions that run contrary to what God has commanded?

Then the cry of our hearts might be, “How can I obey you God when you have commanded me to feel things that I simply do not?”

Listen in as we study portions of John 14 and try to discern how we should respond to the God who commands our emotions.