Authority and Truth

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In the last message we were introduced to Acts 2:42-47, which provides a snapshot of the early church in those heady days when thousands came to faith in Jesus following Pentecost. These verses describe a rare kind of church community that few of us have ever experienced personally, but which stirs in us a longing for the perfect communion we will know in heaven and a desire to see and be a part of a more perfect communion even here and now. Many commentators point out that these verses describes the marks of a Biblical church, and we prepare for the launch of small groups in October we will unpack these verses to see what role small groups play in a church’s efforts to make more and better disciples. Verse 42 begins by telling us that the church in Jerusalem was devoted to four things, “the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Listen in as we study the idea of being devoted to “the apostle’s teaching.”