July 2022

What Do We Do?

There is something in all of us that resists change. I believe much of it is rooted in our fear of the uncertainty of it. I was thinking of the Hebrews as they left Egypt. Just a mere 45 days after being freed from the slavery and oppression of Pharaoh their cry was to turn […]

Robes of Righteousness

We conclude our current sermon series focusing on those passages that highlight pieces of clothing by studying Isaiah 61 together. One the occasion when Jesus returned to His hometown of Nazareth, Jesus stood up in the synagogue and read a portion of this chapter (Luke 4:16-21), and after reading it He said, “Today this scripture […]

Who Touched My Garments

Poor, Jairus! His daughter was dying. His child who he had quieted after nightmares, and carried on his shoulders to the marketplace, and who he had served and protected with all the tender devotion of a Father was struggling to draw another ragged breath. He stood there feeling helpless. Terribly helpless. When he had left […]

Joseph’s Coats

In this message we are going to be spending time with a dreamer named Joseph. We find his story at the end of the book of Genesis (Chapters 37-50). In the Bible clothing is a marker of identity for all classes of people. A king is recognized by his robes of office, just as a […]

June 2022

Armor of God

As we continue our study of scripture passages that highlight articles of clothing, we are going to take up the topic of spiritual warfare as we unpack Ephesians 6:10-18 together. This portion of scripture, commonly known as the Armor-of-God passage, describes number of different items that God calls us to put on. We are going […]

The Father’s Business

What comes to mind when you think about Father’s Day? Is it power tools and BBQs? New ties and #1 Dad Shirts? My family recently vacationed in Florida and spent a few days at Universal Studios. Just about every souvenir shop we entered had displays of fake Oscar awards. These awards display a man, standing […]

Sack Cloth

Last message launched us into a new series that looks at the story of God’s plan to redeem fallen humanity by examining a number of scripture passages that focus on articles of clothing. We began with that first infamous instance of clothing ever mentioned in the Bible, fig leaves. One of the types of clothing […]

Fig Leaves

Clothing holds a surprisingly prominent place in the story of God’s plan to redeem fallen humanity. The act of getting dressed is a daily ritual that I think very little about. I certainly do not often reflect on the spiritual significance of clothes wearing. At the first, Adam and Eve were naked and not ashamed […]

May 2022

What Will Tomorrow Bring

Towards the end of each year a group of my friends and I make predictions for the coming year. I recently looked over our predictions from last December and I was struck by the fact that neither I nor any of my friends predicted Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, or Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at […]

Faith and Works

There is a sense as you read the Gospels that Jesus saw a lot of things that others did not. He saw hidden motives. He saw hidden needs. He saw hidden sin and hidden potential. He saw a hidden future and the hidden stratagems of the enemy as they tried vainly to change the future […]