Have you ever asked the question, “Why does God let bad things happen?” As I get to know people and hear their stories, I become aware that this question, when it is asked, is not posed by philosophers sitting in ivory towers who just like debating interesting ideas. This is a burning question on many of our hearts, and that is because we carry with us the heartbreaking baggage that comes as we journey through this sin-affected world. Loved ones have died. We have suffered betrayals. We, or those we love, have received dreaded diagnoses from the doctor. We have been sinned against…sometimes horribly. We have suffered economic setbacks, natural disasters, house fires, car wrecks, and we have struggled to find words as we sit next to death beds. I know people well enough that I suspect whenever this question is put to me that the real burning question burning in their hearts is, “Why did you let that bad thing happen?” That specific thing! Where were you? It was within your power to prevent it! Why didn’t you? Don’t you care? These are the tough questions that pour in on our hearts and minds when the things we fear most come true.